Fellmech Industries, Tychon Station Branch

Audiolog: Fellmech Industries Tychon Station Branch, stardate:[internal_error], time since install: 18:34:16:627, [internal_error], [internal_error], log #00001

Concerning Fellmech Ind. Task Force 85764 ("Tychon 3") on Tychon Station. Participants: Jaxx Opptrinier, Eterin Ketuin

//--Knock on Jaxx's Office Door--//

Jaxx: Hello! Welcome to the Tychon Branch. Take a seat

Eterin(ETK): Thanks

Jaxx: So, Eterin, how are you today?

ETk: I'm alright. Just glad I'm still employed

Jaxx: Yeah I got a note about the 'incident' with your transferred records from Marlo branch. Personally I think they were asking a lot of someone who didn't know the stakes

ETK: Yyyup

Jaxx: Did they tell you what you'd be doing here on Tychon?


Jaxx: I'll tell you now, then. You're joining the Tychon 3 team. The Tychon station branch was an autowheel workshop first, then a stellartruck garage, and now its where we build mechs.

ETK: Right

Jaxx: Fellmech Industries is a well known civilian mech manufacturer and distributor. Loaders, unloaders, welders, that kind of thing. With some proprietary vehicle models and so on. To everyone else, here on Tychon we're doing some basic mech repairs and outsourced paperwork that legally can't be handled by AI. What we're actually doing is designing and building mechs that can fight. I see that you like that prospect a lot better.

ETK: I don't mind paperwork, but its like, not very uhhh fulfilling?

Jaxx: Go on

ETK: Well. I went to the Marlo technical school for electrical engineering, and I studied quantum physics so I could figure out how to code and get ansibles to support ansible chess. I can do paperwork, a lot of it, but its not very engaging.

Jaxx: I imagine the un-engaging-ness of paperwork is what led you to have such a dire mix-up

ETK: Eh... yeah... I'd been doing page 163-B for a few months by then.

Jaxx: You won't have to worry about paperwork at all! I'll be the one doing it for the whole team.

ETK: Hey nice!

Jaxx: Great, right? But I must impress on you that you need to keep your work here secret. Since you're designing mechs that the company plans on manufacturing and selling, it is in the company's interest that you not leak designs, or even that this is what you work on on Tychon. Corporate espionage is something Fellmech Industries takes very seriously

ETK: Like... They'd fire me?

Jaxx: Fire you, blacklist you in the engineering workplaces of Outer Thuwasik, maybe even sue for deliberate leakage


Jaxx: Yeah.

ETK: ...

Jaxx: Anyway, you'll have your own living quarters, a company discount on any food you order when the corporate rations get old, and, um, well, this isn't really allowed in the rules, but if you really like any of the prototypes we make I'll give it to you

ETK: What am I going to do with a battle mech?

Jaxx: Personal assistant? It'll come in handy at some point I'm sure.


Jaxx: Anyway, since you're a Marlo citizen you get about a scrip per hour living here, plus a commission for each design you complete

ETK: Huh? For being a Marlo citizen?

Jaxx: Some new legislation/company policy for getting people to spread to more rural areas instead of clumping up so much in the higher-density stations. If you took a job in, Vigel-4 Station for example, you'd be making your commission in a matter of weeks just by living there

ETK: Thats cool

Jaxx: Yeah, its probably a better deal financially than working here, corporate must have been real upset

ETK: yeahhh... I'll do my best here

Jaxx: Thats all I'll ask of you. If you have any questions just stop by my office, the only times I'm too busy to talk are the times when the door is closed, and I do my best to keep it open.

ETK: Alright, um, don't you have any, like, onboarding or insturctional videos?

Jaxx: I'm afraid not. You'll have to talk to your new coworkers about where it is you're going to fit into things around here. They don't bite, Victory might bark a little, but don't worry, she's nice when you get to know her.

ETK: ok

Jaxx: You mentioned you made ansible chess?

ETK: yeah?

Jaxx: Drake is a gamer too! You two should get along well. You'll be working with him most of the time. He's pretty friendly and will introduce you to Red

ETK: Ohkay, I guess I'll go start moving in, huh

Jaxx: Sounds good. Welcome to the team Eterin

Additive: Jaxx's office is clean everywhere but his workspace. Countless papers litter the desk, and several solid-state screens are attached to the edges of the desk. On the wall behind Jaxx are several certificates. One for a degree in corporate law.

Audiolog: Fellmech Industries Tychon Station Branch, stardate:[internal_error], time since install: 20:42:59:882, [internal_error], [internal_error], log #00002

Concerning Fellmech Ind. Task Force 85764 ("Tychon 3") on Tychon Station. Participants: Eterin Ketuin, Drake Wysoniun, Rais Mrull, Victoran Krolluin

Drake: Oh hey! You're the new guy, right? Ehhh...Ekeris?

Eterin: It's Eterin

Drake: Hey Eterin, my names Drake. Like Anthiel Drake?

ETK: Ummm... Oh! The ranger?

Drake: Yup, they're my namesake

ETK: Thats cool

Drake: Yup!

ETK: Jaxx said I'd be working with you mainly?

Drake: Yup! I'm the primary engineer and mechanic. I hear you're good with electrics?

ETK: Electrical engineering school graduate

Drake: Nice! I figure I'm going to get you in on that part of the design process then, and help set that up on the prototypes.

ETK: I'm pretty good with computer imaging softwares, which one do you use?

Drake: EISP, mainly. I prefer CAIS myself, but Victory insists on EISP. Something about a more regularly updated materials library.

ETK: I can work with EISP

Drake: Great! I was on my way to recycle some scrap, but I can take you to meet the others

ETK: alright

Drake: I think Red is in the workshop, so I'll take you there. Vic's lab is a couple rooms over

//--Transfer Device, Note, Rais is referred to as Red by their coworkers--//

Drake: Red! Where are you at soldier?

//--Clattering Metal--//

Rais: Here!

Drake: We have a new recruit!

ETK: Hello

Red: Hello

Drake: Eterin, meet Red, Red, meet Eterin

Red: I will see you more, right? You are helping us with the project?

ETK: Yup

Drake: He's an electrician

Red: Ah, that is good, we need one

Drake: Vic had been doing our electric work for us, and been complaining all the while

Red: She likes making "advanced quality components" more

ETK: Happy to help... better a mechanic than a paper pusher

Drake: Very true! I cannot stand the stuff, digital or paper either, though come to think of it I do better with actual paper

Red: I have never bothered with it

Drake: Red helps out with the general mechanics stuff, extra hands are very helpful. Though we have a good supply of workshop drones for that as well. They are less skilled, and Vic's design instruction thing requires us to do the detail work

ETK: design instruction?

Drake: She'd be better at explaining it, see you in a bit Red? Vic will be done with the design soon

Red: Alrighty, see you, see you

ETK: See you later

Additive: The workshop is not one room, it takes inspiration from old space ship crew quarters, and may have been meant for that when the branch offices were built. There is a large central room where the primary construction is done. There are four rooms with large doorways to the central room. The original design plan indicates that there used to be normal sized double doors to a large gymnasium, which has been replaced by large blast resistant doors. The workshop currently has the current mech project in the center, with table tools lining the interior walls, the side rooms contain more intricate machining tools.

//--Transfer Device--//

//--Knocking on a door, followed by a light tone clatter--//

Victoran: Ugh, come in

Drake: Hello! I'm here to show off the new recruit


Victory: Ah, hello. Jaxx said we would be getting a new member of the team

ETK: Yeah, nice um, workshop

Victory: It is a lab if you please. What are your skills?


Drake: He does electrics

Victory: Ah! That will be very helpful. Pleasure to have you on the team

ETK: Thank you

Victory: Drake and I work on the mech designs, would you like a look at the current one?

ETK: Um, ok

//--Electric beeping, a mech design is displayed--//

Victory: I think I'm going to call it Ellipsis

Drake: I prefered Sparrow, but it was your vote best next

ETK: Ooh

Victory: It's nice right? I'm not convinced by the impulse array, but--

ETK: I can help with that, um...

//--Various Electric Tones, Eterin is configuring a draft sketch array--//

ETK: Like, um, this?

Victory: Hmm. I'll run this setup through the diagnostic emulator. It looks good though

Drake: Very nice! It looks good to me, I look forward to working on designs with you!

ETK: ok!

Drake: Alright, back to work with me! I'll see you later

Victory: See you at dinner

//--Drake leaves--//

Victory: Watch me work?

ETK: Sure!

Victory: Point out anything that stands out or that stands out to you

//--Censored Specifics of Fellmech Industries Intellectual Property and Patent under the Corporate Protections Edict(CPE)--//

Additive: Victory's personal lab was renovated to connect her room to the back of it. She spends most of her time in these two rooms. The lab is brightly lit only when designs are displayed. When they are off there are only indicator lights on machinery littered aroung the room left to illuminate things. The effect creates a kind of sparse multicolored starfield. Victory wears a headlamp.

Victory: You know your stuff!

ETK: Thank you!

Victory: The Ellipsis will be a very good frame family thanks to you. You must help with the next model

ETK: I'd be happy to. Oh! Look at the time! I need to set up my room before dinner

Victory: Take one of my assistant drones with you, it'll help loads

ETK: Thank you!

Victory: Now hurry on, we try to have regular dinners together, though Jaxx doesn't often participate.

ETK: See you there!

//--Eterin Leaves, Transfer Device--//

//--Eterin Enters His Room, Something Hits The Ground--//

//--Various sounds, likely to do with setting up his room--//

Additive: Eterin's room is centered around the computer. At this early stage his room features primarily his computer set up and his bed. The computer has several modems and monitors, some are out of use. There are several non-standard device hooked up, in addition to a standard touchpad keyboard there is a mechanical keyboard with entirely nonstandard keys.

Audiolog: Fellmech Industries Tychon Station Branch, stardate:[internal_error], time since install: [internal_error], [internal_error], [internal_error], log #00003

Concerning Fellmech Ind. Task Force 85764 ("Tychon 3") on Tychon Station. Participants: Eterin Ketuin, Drake Wysoniun, Victoran Krolluin

Additive: Dinner is a regular event, usually, for the Tychon 3 crew. The other meals are just corporate rations and any additional food the crew members supply themselves. Dinner is handmade, usually by Drake and Red. Jaxx joins in every now and then. Victory helps out rarely, and when she does she tries to make it special. The mess hall is built for about 2 dozen people, but since there are only 5, the other tables are stacked off to the side and the remaining space is used as storage.